Local Men's Leagues for 2017

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Berbagi Local Men's Leagues for 2017 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

A brief round up of local men's fastball leagues for the upcoming season.

Greater Ottawa Fastball League will have seven teams returning from last year.

Blackburn Men's Fastball League will have eight teams this season, with their new player evaluation happening on Saturday.

Glen Cairn Men's Fastball League has nine teams this season.

Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League will once again have eight teams competing in "Harbour Ball".

Carp Men's Fastball League continues with four teams.

Shawville Men's Fastball League has four teams plus a spares list. They've moved to Tuesday nights.

North Leeds Men's Fastball League lost a couple of teams and is down to seven, with the possibility of one more team being added.

Apparently the New Edinburgh Men's Fastball League in Ottawa, which is admittedly a bit of a mystery, has four teams again this season.

The Ashton Men's Fastball League will continue with four teams unless someone has info to the contrary.

Word is that the Trend-Arlington Fastball League in the Nepean area has folded with many players going to the Glen.

As per the story below, the Kingston Men's Fastball League and the Loughborough Fastball League have merged, likely to have ten teams.

Did I miss any local men's fastball loops in the summary above? If so, let me know at fastball@fitzroyharbour.com.

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