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Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League sign up
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Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League sign up
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The Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League got some publicity in the local paper this week:Fitzroy men's fastball seeks players
Posted Apr 5, 2012 By EMC News
EMC news - Fitzroy Harbour Men's Fastball League seeks players for the upcoming season.
The league which runs Wednesday nights from May to September, is a fun league open to all skill levels, however the calibre of ball has been better quality the last few years with the addition of many new players.
Most of the players come from West Carleton or Arnprior/McNab-Braeside areas and range from age 17 to 60+.
The league consisted of eight teams last season with a new addition of a competitive midget team from the area. The cost for the season is just $120 a player, well below any other league around the city.
Anyone interested can call Brendan at 613-229-6838.